Spiritual Properties of Incense and Herbs
•Posted on September 25 2019

Spiritual properties of Incense and Herbs
Incense and Herbs are not only used because they smell good, but because each scent holds a specific vibration. Here is a list of some (not all) of the most popular scents and what they are used for:
Amber - clearing, love, healing, wisdom, past life recall & initiation
Anise - increases psychic powers, protection, purifying, good luck & power
Benzoin - purification, astral travel, prosperity (add to cinnamon), balancing & eases anxiety
Cedar - purification, love, psychic powers, peace, divination & vitality
Cinnamon - attracts money, wealth, prosperity, abundance, protection & personal power
Clove - clears negativity, purifying, attracts money, stops & prevents gossip
Copal - purification, uplifting, protection, remove energy blocks & transmutes negative energy
Dragons Blood (always make sure you are using premium Dragons Blood!) - purification, protection, fire energy, boosts any other incense that it is burned with
Eucalyptus - healing, brings in fresh energy, wards off evil, nurturing & aids in transformation
Frankincense - dispels negativity, purifying, use for consecration, protection, exorcism & power
Lavender - soothing, relaxing, protection, eases anxiety, aids in sleep, love & happiness
Lemongrass - mental clarity, fidelity, boosts energy, playfulness & purifying
Musk - aphrodisiac, lust, prosperity, courage, balance & working with the Afterlife
Myrrh - purification, consecration, healing, protection, exorcism & boosts the spirit
Patchouli - prosperity, wealth, abundance, growth, fertility, sensuality & love
Rosemary - protection, purification, cleansing, sun magick, offering to the goddess Venus
White Sage - protection, purifying, sacred plant, wisdom & plant medicine
Yerba Santa - protection, setting boundaries, empowerment, release of emotional trauma stuck in the Heart chakra