Esoteric Aroma

Unakite Jasper pyramid

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$ 15.00
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$ 15.00
Regular Price
$ 23.00
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The elements of Red Jasper, Pink Feldspar, White Quartz and Green Epidote blend beautifully in Unakite Jasper and embody strong, harmonious relationships. Its pink and green energies balance aspects of the heart, lifting spirits when one is down, and helps to release deep-seated emotions in a slow and gentle way. It promotes patience and persistence, and gradually eliminates bad habits and the thoughts and patterns that perpetuate them. It is a great stone for children’s sensitive emotions, and is particularly good for helping them bounce back from sorrow, grief or disappointment. Unakite supports anyone who feels a little lost, overwhelmed, or has trouble focusing on the here and now. [Eason, 280][Simmons, 219][Ahsian, 219]

Unakite balances the emotional and spiritual bodies, and provides gentle release of energetic blockages. It helps us to move on from outmoded beliefs from the past. Unakite can also be used for help with past-life regression therapy, and facilitates the understanding of previous events and their roles in our current incarnation.

A stone of vision, Unakite can open and activate the Third Eye Chakra to receive spiritual insights from higher realms. Unakite's grounding effect can bring a calming influence to any environment, and is great for the workplace or the home, sending out peaceful vibes to all those nearby.

  • You will receive 1 pyramid from the exact lot shown
  • Gorgeous patterning
  • Measures approx 1 15/16"

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
very lovely item excellent transaction

very lovely item excellent transaction