Cleansing + Sage

Energetic Cleansing is the sacred act of cleansing your Auric Field from any negativity that may be stuck. This can be done through ritual bathing, the use of Sage and other herbs, or with natural incense. 

Crystals are a wonderful way to cleanse your Sacred Space. Many have the ability to absorb energy and transmute that energy into a lighter, brighter vibration.

Our Artisan soaps are handcrafted in small batches to ensure the very freshest bar possible, every time. We know that what goes ON your body, goes IN your body and that's why we only use all natural ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, essential oils and herbs.

Smudging is an ancient act of burning herbs and/or plants, most commonly White Sage, to energetically cleanse and clear a person and space.

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